Update - Week 20
May 20, 2024
This week was an exciting one! Commit logs for Bforartists, final lighting and renders...
Weekly Sprint Stats:
Hours Done
Points Done
Points Needed
Sprint poinTs
Expected Efficiency
Sprint Efficiency
Points Velocity per day
This week was an exciting one! I could finally light and queue and render the final shots. I also hit some odd render bugs, but also got them fixed. My process for lighting was also very nicely polished - so could do it all relatively quite quickly.

I also got into some scripting to batch preview render scenes, Copilot and Cursor (fork of VS Code with chatGPT integrated) has been very helpful to get my code and scripting game up.

This week also had me go over nearly 3 weeks or merges of commit logs, which took a big chunk of work, over 12 hours of focus. I also fixed a few bugs and merge in that timeframe. I got to admit, the tracker hit over 70 open tasks, twice over the amount we should have - so I really got to get busy.
Juso (Blenux) who I have sponsored with bounties did some great work to update the Extensions system for Bforartists 4.2.0 coming soon too.

On a side note, with Android Repair Service nearly finishing with Episode 12 being done, this means we will be transitioning to a full quality and production for Transmedia, and another two short films. This also transitions the financial model to keep me focused and relaxed with a monthly and opens to be a bit more flexible with my production results. It also allows me to.. focus on the story. So this week we got to talk of the story outline, and I wrote another 5 pages on the first 5 pages of outline for the transmedia project. Making it one whole story to work and show the world, spoon feed the story... is going to be a dream come true.

In general, I am on the eclipse of a new chapter of production and development with the painterly, Bforartists, with new branding on the horizon for Trinumedia, a new push into the website.
Thanks again patrons, for everything you have supported, making Bforartists push ahead quickly, for giving me mental peace of mind as I work a transmedia project, for supporting the painterly work over the past two years. Let's keep going!