🏆 Bforartists 4.2.0 Splashscreen Competition
July 12, 2024
The Splashscreen Competition for Bforartists 4.2.0 has been extended to Saturday 20th of July! This means you get an extra week to compete.
Weekly Sprint Stats:
Hours Done
Points Done
Points Needed
Sprint poinTs
Expected Efficiency
Sprint Efficiency
Points Velocity per day
Create a splashscreen with your art in Bforartists or Blender to win prizes! The best art will be picked for the next official release of Bforartists 4.2.0.
You can work with any topic, as long as you have a 16:9 format with room for the logo at the top left corner of the image and a small area to add an image credit.
Best originality and composition wins!

First place becomes a Splashscreen of Bforartists, an opensource and free GUI focusedfork of Blender gets up to 15,000 downloads per month!
If you'd like your asset or addon showcased as a prize, drop a message!

-Starts 4th of July to 20th of July (previous works of art done in the past areaccepted)
-Best originality and composition wins
-Format must be in 16:9 at an ideal resolution of 1920px by 1080px with a jpg orpng format.
-Images must ultimately be licensed CC0 to ship with the GPL licenses software,though your name will appear!
-Render must be done either in Blender or Bforartists